
Need an IRS Tax Attorney?

Tax Relief Testimonials

Call Now – Free Consultation 866-477-5291

Tax Litigation Associates’s tax lawyers have successfully negotiated with the IRS on Collection, Examination and Appeals matters ranging from less complex to very complicated corporate tax issues involving millions of dollars. We have an outstanding record of audit results, many concluding in no adjustments being recommended by the IRS. Tax Litigation Associates’s tax attorneys also have a successful record of negotiating with the IRS to abate penalties, including late filing, late payment and accuracy related penalties. On one particular employment tax case, we were successful in getting the IRS to back off a client who they claimed owed over $600,000.

Instead, the client owed nothing to the IRS.

We strive to put our clients at ease. Our strategy is to brief the client as to what to expect during the audit. We then actively engage ourselves in the audit to ensure that it stays on track and doesn’t become a fishing expedition. Several clients have claimed the IRS acted differently when we attended the audit session. The IRS agents made sure that they complied with their own policies and procedures. They knew that we were aware of all of the IRS’s policies and procedures, and that we would tell them or their managers when they weren’t following their proper audit procedures. In other words, Tax Litigation Associates looks out for our clients and IRS tax relief is just a phone call away.

Read what others have said about our successes:

Offer in Compromise

“Thank you Tax Litigation Associates for the spectacular results with the IRS on the Offer In Compromise.  This will allow us to get a fresh start saving for our retirement.  Before this relief was granted, all we had to look forward to was working until the day we died to just satisfy the IRS. Thank you again.” – Joe – Dallas, TX

Back Taxes

“Please extend our sincere and deeply appreciated ‘Thanks’ for everything Tax Litigation Associates has done for our family. We had a few bad years with family health needs, along with losing our house due to the mortgage crisis. To make matters worse, we got behind with the IRS. We thought our lives were over and everything we had worked so hard for would be lost. Right away, I contacted Tax Litigation Associates sand they took care of business. After ten years of being ashamed and scared of our tax debt, my family had a great weight lifted from our lives. Thanks again Tax Litigation Associates.” – Pete and Tina – Princeton, NJ

Audit Representation

Brian was audited by the IRS for his 2007 1040 tax return. He met the IRS agent one time and determined that he could not handle the case on his own. Even though the audit was initiated for 2007 only, the IRS was also inquiring about related items on his 2008 and 2009 1040 tax returns. Brian is a licensed real estate sales representative and the IRS was questioning many of his business expenses he reported. Brian contacted Tax Litigation Associates and received a complete and honest evaluation of how Tax Litigation Associates could help him. Within 24 hours, the Audit Defense Team at Tax Litigation Associates was in contact with the IRS agent. Tax Litigation Associates stood by Brian throughout the entire duration of the audit and defended his rights as an American taxpayer. Brian was kind enough to write us a testimonial:

“If you have ever sat face to face with an IRS agent that is scrutinizing every line item on your tax return, you may know what it feels like to be defenseless. At first, I thought I would be capable of addressing the IRS’s concerns by myself. But I quickly realized how little I knew about taxes and my rights as a taxpayer. After doing some research online, I hired Tax Litigation Associates to represent me in front of the IRS. The IRS agent was no longer able to take advantage of my ignorance and Tax Litigation Associates had proven that my original tax return was filed correctly. Ultimately, no change was made on my 2007 tax return. Thanks again Jeffrey.”  – Brian – Detroit, MI

Unfiled Returns

Derek was a self-employed 1099 independent contractor who did not file his tax returns for 7 years.  The IRS filed returns for him called Substitute for Returns (SFR) and assessed him $60,000 on the gross income that was reported. Of course, the IRS did not know what Derek’s business expenses were. Tax Litigation Associates prepared all of Derek’s returns, showing his business expenses and got his tax debt reduced to $8,000.  Derek was able to borrow money from his credit union to pay the debt off.

“We were very pleased with the experience we had with Tax Litigation Associates. They were very professional, prompt and knowledgeable in every aspect of my specific case. I thought this tax debt would never go away and haunt us for the rest of my life. My wife and I could not have asked for better, more personal care from anyone. Two thumbs up for Tax Litigation Associates!” – Derek and Janice – Kansas City, MO

Wage Garnishments Lifted

“I am writing to express my thanks to Tax Litigation Associates for their help in my tax issue. I found Tax Litigation Associates with an internet search and never regretted it. When I called, the IRS was going to levy my wages and I was in despair, as I had been working with another firm on resolving my tax issue and after nearly 3 years. They were still at ground zero. On the other hand, Tax Litigation Associates never made me a pie in the sky promise or misrepresented themselves at any part of our working relationship. They successfully stopped my wage garnishment in just a couple days and then we worked on setting up a payment plan. After explaining my situation, it was determined that an Offer in Compromise was not in my best interest at this point. So once the payment plan was set up, I decided that I was going to have to file bankruptcy. I found a wonderful lawyer who helped me out. At the creditors hearing for the chapter 13 filing, the IRS said that all my debt was unsecured (in excess of $150,000), as I didn’t have any assets. The IRS released me of any and all debts owed to them. As it turned out, they were right. Thanks to the patience and guidance of Tax Litigation Associates, I was able to get a fresh start. Warmest Regards.” – Daniel – San Diego, CA

Garnishments Avoided

Bill hired Tax Litigation Associates when his bank account was levied with $3,500 in it that the bank had to release to the IRS. When we contacted the IRS to verify his status, we found out that he had not filed tax returns in 5 years. Also, we were told by the agent that a wage garnishment was going out to Bill’s employer that he didn’t even know about. Luckily, we were able to secure a hold on the garnishment order to allow time to bring Bill into compliance. We prepared all 5 years of Bill’s tax returns in 3 days after receiving his filing information and successfully negotiated an installment payment plan to stop any further collection action by the IRS.

“I was so stressed about what I owed the IRS that I didn’t open my mail for months. It wasn’t until I received a levy on my bank account that I finally did something. I found Tax Litigation Associates on Google and thankfully they were able to help me out. Everything is being taken care of now.” – Bill – Philadelphia, PA

Audit Representation

“I thought I had everything that the IRS required, but I was paralyzed with fear.  I was unable to deal with it myself. After your review of my records, I felt a lot better. One of the best days in my life is when you called and said the audit was complete with no changes. It was worth every penny I spent with Tax Litigation Associates. I could not handle this, and it effected my health.  Thank You!” – Kim – Atlanta, GA

Currently Not Collectible

Ralph and Mary were having health and financial problems. The last straw was when they received a Final Notice of Intent to Levy from the IRS. Ralph just went back to work after being laid off for 6 months and Mary had to stop working to care for their daughter with Leukemia. The medical bills were crushing them and now the notice from the IRS came threatening to garnish Ralph’s wages. Fortunately, they called Tax Litigation Associates as soon as they received the Final Notice of Intent to Levy. They decided to hire Tax Litigation Associates and a Collection Due Process (CDP) Appeal was filed. It temporarily stopped the IRS from carrying out their threat to Garnish Ralph’s wages. Ultimately, the IRS agreed with Tax Litigation Associates’s recommendation and declared Ralph and Mary as Currently Not Collectible. We received the following letter from Ralph:

“With all the financial problems I was having I was scared to death when I received a threat from the IRS that they were going to levy my wages.  I found out that they could levy up to 70% of my net pay and if that happened there was no way that I could support my family and pay for my daughter’s medical treatments.  My wife and I have worked and paid our taxes all of our lives, so we didn’t know what to do with me being laid off for 6 months.  I learned about Tax Litigation Associates on the internet.  I noticed that you had an A rating with the Better Business Bureau.  I also learned a lot by reading the information on your web site.  Your employees took the time to explain everything to me in a way that I could understand.  You stopped the IRS from garnishing my wages and got me into what is called Currently Not Collectible status, so I do not have to worry about the IRS right now which is allowing us to get back on our feet.  I would not hesitate to recommend Tax Litigation Associates to anyone having a problem with the IRS.” – Ralph – Little Rock, AR

Back Taxes

“I am writing to express my grateful thanks to Tax Litigation Associates for assistance with the back taxes I owed the IRS. I was self-employed as a carpenter for several years and had trouble keeping up with filing my taxes every year. It was all I could do to pay my rent and feed my family. I started getting notices from the IRS saying that I owed a total of $46,000. That didn’t make any sense because I did not make much money. So, I called Tax Litigation Associates for a free consultation and spoke with John Haines. Mr. Haines took the time to listen to my story and figured out what needed to be done. He explained that since I did not file my tax returns, the IRS taxed me on the full 1099 income that was reported by my employers. He also said that I still had a legal right to file all my tax returns in order to claim my business deductions. After all the returns were filed by Mr. Haines, my IRS debt was reduced to $6,000. Tax Litigation Associates negotiated a low monthly payment plan and my problem was solved. I would not hesitate to recommend Tax Litigation Associates to anyone having problems with the IRS.” – Joe – St. Louis, MO

Levies Lifted

“I hadn’t slept in almost a week. I couldn’t eat, and I was too stressed to leave the house. The IRS was garnishing my wages and levied my bank account. In other words, I had no money to pay my rent. By the time I contacted Tax Litigation Associates, I thought there was no hope. A simple phone call to their offices and an hour later, I felt like there was a light at the end of the tunnel. They educated me on the process that led up to my wage garnishment and levy, and how they were going to fix everything. Their office worked quickly to gather all my information and get to work. Before the end of the week, my garnishment and levy were lifted. Jeff himself spoke to the IRS and set me up on an affordable payment plan. Now I can rest easy again, as I still have a place to live. Thanks Jeff and everyone at Tax Litigation Associates. You are lifesavers.” – Carol – Cleveland, OH

Stress Free Resolutions

“Tax Litigation Associates lifted my wage garnishment in three days and removed the levy placed on my wife’s social security. We owed $37,000 and only ended up paying $4,400. Thanks to Jeff for the time he spent between us and the IRS. All his hard work got our garnishment and levy stopped. The IRS resolution representative took the time to carefully explain the process to us, as well as our rights. They answered every email and phone call, getting back to us immediately. The level of professionalism and care for what they do made the whole process stress free. Thank You.” – James – Las Vegas, NV

Peace of Mind Now

“The IRS was hassling me about my 3 years of unfiled returns, so I decided to look for a tax attorney. At first, I didn’t end up at Tax Litigation Associates. But boy, do I wish I had. I paid $6,000 with another tax firm and after 5 months of going back and forth, we were still at square one. Nothing had been taken care of. I called every day for a refund and never received it. I still had to prepare and file my delinquent returns. Luckily, I searched the Better Business Bureau and I found Tax Litigation Associates. They were A rated. One phone call to their tax specialists, and I was sold. Tax Litigation Associates went to bat for me, stopped the IRS calls and had all my returns filed for a fraction of the cost than the other guys. Thanks for the peace of mind. You guys are the best.” – Dustin – Raleigh, NC

Ease Your Mind

“I owed $22,573 but ended up paying only $1,988. You really eased my mind. Also, I wanted to thank you for helping me eat and sleep again. You lifted a big weight off my shoulders. I’ll recommend you to anyone I can think of who could possibly use your wonderful help. – Tucker – Chicago, IL

5 Years of Tax Returns Completed and Filed with the IRS

“Thanks so much for completing all my tax returns. I can now breathe again.  You are my new best friend! Thanks again.” – Jennifer – Boston, MA

No Change Audit Result

“I was very, very happy with Jeff and the experience he brought to the engagement. I believe that Jeff significantly exceeded his, the company’s, and their attorney’s high expectations.” – Charles – Buffalo, NY

All Penalties Waived

“Jeff came in and helped us during a difficult IRS audit. His efforts concluded in a successful waiving of all penalties. His writing and researching skills are excellent and he was instrumental in bringing the audit to a favorable conclusion. Needless to say, I am appreciative of Jeff’s services.” – Carl – El Paso, TX

Great Rapport with the IRS

“Jeff is very credible and confident in his knowledge of the procedures necessary during an IRS audit, but comes across as very personable with the Revenue Agent. He very quickly established a great rapport and has been pragmatic. He did an excellent job of working with the Revenue Agent in determining the appropriate audit plan for me.” – Todd – Denver, CO

Excellent Knowledge of IRS Policies and Procedures

“Jeff very effectively consulted on a rather complex IRS Appeals issue and had great recommendations for me, the client. He possesses an excellent knowledge of the IRS Appeals process and how to navigate it. I would consider it a privilege to work with Jeff and Tax Litigation Associates again.” – Dennis – Atlanta, GA

IRS Fully Conceded Their Position

“Jeff helped me with an IRS Revenue Agent’s proposed Assessment Appeals hearing. He was well prepared and understood the issue well. He was also well-versed in the background case law and related statute and applicable regulations. At the end of the day, Jeff was very successful in convincing the Appeals Officer that my position as the taxpayer was correct.” – Robert – Sherman Oaks, CA

No Change Result

“Tax Litigation Associates became involved in my case when the IRS Revenue Agent declined to negotiate a settlement after reviewing our protest letter. It was suggested that the case would be perfect for the Appeals Fast Track Mediation process, which is Jeff’s specialty. After arranging the Fast Track conference with the IRS and sharing our strategy, the IRS called shortly before the conference to fully concede. Sweet!” – Chuck – Seattle, WA

Emergency Relief Team solved client out of the United States

We recently received a very nice letter from a client who lives in Poland, has a part-time residence in Florida and has businesses in both places. He also had direct dealings with our Emergency Relief Team. Janusz came to us because the IRS had said that his company owed employment taxes from several years. However, Janusz claimed that he didn’t pay any salaries during those tax periods, so he couldn’t understand why the IRS was sending him threatening letters.  When Tax Litigation Associates got involved, the IRS was threatening to levy or seize some of the company’s assets.

“Thank you very much for helping me,” Janusz wrote. “Tax Litigation Associates worked efficiently in one business day to successfully stop the IRS collection actions. Then they helped me file the necessary paperwork with the IRS to resolve my tax problem. Now instead of getting threatening letters from the IRS, I’m now getting a refund. Thank you for defending me before the IRS. I knew that they were wrong, but I didn’t have the courage to confront them. I’m very happy that you didn’t have the same fear and were able to tell the IRS that they were wrong. After all, I got back the money they owed me.” – Janusz – Portland, OR

Tax Litigation Associates’s Emergency Relief Team stopped the IRS’s seizure in one day and then provided to the IRS the tax returns they needed to solve the problem. Before Tax Litigation Associates was asked to help, Janusz was being harassed by the IRS for almost a year. Within a month, Tax Litigation Associates was able to solve the problem.

Here are some Wage Garnishment Release success stories:

Don from Texas contacted us on October 23rd at 2pm with a wage garnishment in effect. Our ERT contacted the IRS and confirmed his 2005 and 2006 tax returns were not filed. With a questionnaire sent to Don and his income documents retrieved from the IRS, the ERT was able to file his returns and put him back in compliance with the IRS via fax. Our ERT was then able to procure a wage garnishment release by October 27th at 10am.

Rick from Maryland contacted us on October 24th at 9am. By 12 noon, the ERT learned his 2004 and 2005 tax returns were not filed. Rick’s income documents were retrieved from the IRS. With our questionnaire, the ERT then filed his taxes. By October 27th, his wage garnishment was also released.

You received a notice of “Intent to Levy” 30 days ago and you forgot about it or ignored it. Now, it’s payday. Expecting a check, you open the envelope and find that the IRS has taken most of your money. What’s left isn’t even enough to pay the rent, car payment, buy groceries or pay the rest of the bills. This will continue on every check until the money you owe Uncle Sam is paid in full.

Now you’re in big financial trouble. No matter how hard you plead with your employer, you can’t get your money. Once a wage garnishment is filed with your employer, they are required by law to collect a large percentage of each of your paychecks.

Tax Litigation Associates is regularly retained to negotiate the release of IRS wage garnishments. Our extensive experience and our inside knowledge of the IRS gives us the ability to stop wage garnishments in 2-3 business days. This allows our clients to receive their full wages, but it is not a permanent solution. Once our clients’ wages have been restored, the problem with the IRS still has to be addressed.

Back Taxes

I have been self-employed for 3 years. Being a small business owner, there are many things that go into maintaining a company, other than time and money. Estimated tax payments are an essential part of staying ahead of the game. I wish I would have known this a few years ago. I was unable to pay in full at the time I filed the returns, and now I owe the IRS nearly $40,000. I did some research online and ended up selecting Tax Litigation Associates as my representative. They called the IRS for me within 24 hours, and they prevented the IRS from issuing a bank levy. After that, they reviewed my financial situation and told me all my options. Once we discussed everything, they negotiated the best resolution for me and even filed the paperwork to remove the accumulated penalties. I couldn’t believe how quickly they took care of business, especially during tax season. Thank you Mr. Galante.

Diane - Oklahoma City, OK

I want to thank Tax Litigation Associates for resolving the tax problems I had with the IRS. Even though you are located 3,000 miles away from me, I felt that you were right here in San Francisco every step of the way. You were immediately responsive to every question I had. Also, the resolution to my tax issues was completed in a very expeditious manner and totally to my satisfaction. My only wish is that I had contacted you when the problem began. I would certainly have had the peace of mind I now enjoy much sooner. I also want to thank you for the excellent job you have done preparing my tax returns.

John - Cincinnati, OH

Tax Litigation Associates told me the truth. When I originally called, I asked if I could do everything myself. They told me ‘Of course,’ and gave me detailed instructions on how to do so. This came with one big warning. If I called the IRS, they would’ve put me on a timeline. And if I did not stick to it, they would be on me like a wolf. So, I relied on Tax Litigation Associates’s services. I had tax returns ready to sign in a week and the IRS off my back the day I called them. I do owe the IRS, but much less than I thought. Better yet, the payment plan they set up for me is much better than I could’ve imagined.

Tony - Houston, TX

My not too bright son called me in early March. He said the IRS grabbed his paycheck and he needed to use my credit card because his was maxed out. My wife was frantic and said I had to do it ASAP. I went to his house and saw just how shook up he was. His wife was crying because they had taken 70% of his paycheck. I asked him what happened, and he said he called one of the companies he saw on TV. They claimed they would solve everything for $8,000.

Before I handed him my card, I wanted to talk to them. We got some guy who wasn’t too bright. He sounded like he was talking off a script and couldn’t answer any specific questions that I asked. So, I looked online and found Tax Litigation Associates.

First off, the guy on the phone did not sound like he was 18-years-old. Second, he knew what he was talking about. Next, Tax Litigation Associates has an A rating with the BBB. To top it off, their fee was half of the other guy’s price. After we spoke, I gave him my credit card info and the process started. Six days later, the garnishment was release. They said it would have been faster, but the IRS does not work on weekends. In the end, my son didn’t owe the IRS a penny.

The reason I am writing this now is because my son said the refund check arrived. I want to be reimbursed before he spends it all at the racetrack.

Phil - Nashville, TN

Thanks Tax Litigation Associates. I should have called you sooner. I did not realize that all I had to do was file the returns. The IRS system is so confusing that I got scared and over complicated my issue. Now I realize exactly what I owe, and the payment plan you set up for me will satisfy my debt inside of 60 months. Thanks again.

Paul - San Antonio TX

I cannot thank you enough for helping me settle my IRS debt. I owed them a lot of money from when I had my own business. I had to close it, pick up and move my family to another state to start over. I was able to get a fairly good job, but with a modest income. I had no money to pay the IRS. I thought they forgot about me. But one day I went into work and learned that they were going to start garnishing my wages. I was scared to death. I called a couple companies that were advertising on TV and felt that they were exaggerating what they could do for me. So, I did a little research on the internet and noticed that Tax Litigation Associates has a good rating with the Better Business Bureau. I was also impressed by the comments made by some of their clients. The staff was extremely professional and helpful in explaining everything to me. At the same time, the fee was half of what the other firms quoted. I can’t believe that now I only have to pay the IRS $100 a month for 36 months. Then the balance will be wiped out. Thank goodness I found Tax Litigation Associates to take care of this for me. I would not hesitate to recommend your firm to anyone needing help dealing with the IRS.

Joe - Pensacola, FL

I want to thank you for resolving the tax problems I had with the IRS. Even though you are located three thousand miles away from me, I felt that you were right here in St. Louis every step of the way. You were immediately responsive to every question I had. Also, the resolution to my tax issues was completed in a very expeditious manner and totally to my satisfaction. My only wish is that I had contacted you when the problem began. I would certainly have had the peace of mind I now enjoy much sooner. I also want to thank you for the excellent job you have done preparing my tax returns. Tax Litigation Associates, you rock!

John - St. Louis, MO

I was audited by the IRS and had some very serious issues with my return. I talked to multiple online companies and contacted a lawyer for advice. The advice from the lawyer was completely different from the advice I got from Tax Litigation Associates. I weighed the information from Tax Litigation Associates and the Tax Attorney back and forth over almost a week. Both approaches were completely different! In the end, I decided to go with Tax Litigation Associates. When I spoke with them, they were very clear about the approach we would be using. They gave me the best- and worst-case scenario for the strategy we would use. In the end, the IRS agent worked with Tax Litigation Associates and they got me spectacular results. I am so happy I used Tax Litigation Associates and not the lawyer. Jeff knows his stuff.

Timothy - Erie, PA

I own two corporations and the IRS put a revenue officer on my case. I have filed all the required payroll returns, but the corporations owe about $45,000 in payroll taxes. The revenue officer threatened to shut both my businesses down and levy my personal bank account if I didn’t pay off the full balance. I didn’t have enough money, so I called Tax Litigation Associates. Right away, they contacted the IRS agent and kindly reminded her of my rights as a taxpayer. Then Tax Litigation Associates negotiated a reasonable payment agreement with the IRS on my behalf. Needless to say, I never had to meet or speak to that nasty revenue officer again. Thanks Tax Litigation Associates!

Kristen – Baltimore, MD

My employer notified me that the IRS was requesting to garnish my wages. I was shocked, as I hadn’t received any notice or warning from the IRS. I haven’t filed a tax return since 2009 and apparently the IRS assessed a tax bill of about $30,000 in total. I researched the top nationwide tax attorney firms and found Tax Litigation Associates. They prepared all my taxes in just a few days, as well as had the garnishment released shortly thereafter. I couldn’t thank Jeff Galante and his team enough. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Amy – San Antonio, TX

If there is one firm that will be completely honest with you, it is Tax Litigation Associates. After researching ratings and reading reviews about other firms in the tax help industry, I was very skeptical about hiring anyone. It was clear to see that Tax Litigation Associates was among the top-rated firms in the country, so I called to see what they had to say. They provided a free, honest evaluation of my situation and told me upfront what work had to be done, along with what the total fee would be. There were no hidden fees or hourly rates. I am very pleased that I hired Tax Litigation Associates to represent me with my audit. They ensured my rights were protected and that I was not taken advantage of. Kudos!

Karen – Orlando, FL

Dealing face to face with the IRS was frightening. I thought I could handle an audit on my own my but when an IRS agent consistently pounds you for tax documents, bank statements, doctors’ records and copies of my own kids’ birth certificates, I knew I should get help. It’s a good thing that I found Tax Litigation Associates and read some great reviews. I hired them for a one-time flat fee, and they handled everything for me. I only had to meet the agent at the close of the audit to sign off, which I was happy to do since I was professionally represented. Tax Litigation Associates saved me time and money. But even more importantly, they saved me unnecessary grief and anxiety that the IRS was causing.

Stephen – Las Vegas, NV

On March 17th, I got a notice from the IRS. They were going to levy and seize my assets for unpaid taxes. I immediately contacted local CPAs to help me. Everyone said they were too busy until after tax season to help me. That night, I got online and sent emails to many of the companies that advertised on Google. I got an automatic response from Tax Litigation Associates that convinced me to call them right away. They were the only ones who answered my questions honestly. I went over my situation and quickly realized that the person I was speaking to knew exactly what he was talking about. I could tell that he wasn’t just selling off of a telemarketer’s script. At the same time, I was impressed, so I went with Tax Litigation Associates. They solved my problem with spectacular results. More than $28,000 in refund checks arrived today and I am going to use them to pay off my house. Sweet!

Johnny - Minneapolis, MN

I called multiple online companies, some tried to scare me, and others outright lied to me. Then I talked with Tax Litigation Associates’s staff. Right away, I could tell that I wasn’t speaking with a sales rep. Rather, I was talking to someone who actually knew what he was talking about. She did not lie, and her fee at Tax Litigation Associates was about half of what everyone else was quoting. ‘Nuff said.

Kirby - Seattle, WA

Running your own business is difficult enough. But when it comes to taxes and accounting, I get lost very quickly. When my business was open, I had a bill of nearly $80,000 from payroll taxes. I had to close the company because business was nonexistent. Eventually, the IRS assessed that tax bill to me personally. I have been trying to find work since, but have been unsuccessful. Meanwhile, an IRS revenue officer has been hounding me to pay (which is impossible) and I didn’t know what to do. That when I called Tax Litigation Associates. Once they completed a financial analysis on me, they discussed all the options that I qualified for. We proposed a Non-Collectible status and after negotiations back and forth, Tax Litigation Associates got it accepted. Better yet, the nasty IRS agent got off my back. I can’t explain how grateful I am for a company like Tax Litigation Associates.

Marylyn – Indianapolis, IN

I have been scammed in the past. So, when I started researching out to tax firms to help resolve my IRS problems, I found that Tax Litigation Associates was the only transparent one that actually encouraged people to do their homework and research different firms. After the free consultation with Tax Litigation Associates, they made me feel safe. They kept their word and handled my case from start to finish for the same fee they quoted me upfront. There were no hidden charges or hourly rates. What the lesson here: Do your homework.

Sean – Pensacola, FL

I just want to take a minute and thank Tax Litigation Associates for your help. I didn’t know what to do after my mailbox was stuffed full of mail telling me about my tax lien. Everyone I spoke with said they could get the lien removed and they could lower my debt. I almost went with one of the companies I spoke with. Then I went online and found Tax Litigation Associates. Unlike everyone else I spoke to, your guy listened to my problem and could actual talk about specifics. The other companies I spoke to only spoke in generalities. As a result, Tax Litigation Associates did my returns for a reasonable fee. Thanks for your help and I will recommend you to everyone I know.

Gina - Kansas City, KS

Not filing back tax returns is a problem that I was stuck in for years. I soon found out that I was not alone, and that Tax Litigation Associates successfully helped many others in a similar situation. In just a few days, they prepared 6 years’ worth of tax returns for me. Once they were filed, Tax Litigation Associates even helped me address the tax bill and got me the lowest payment plan possible. I have been dreading this work for years and had no idea that Tax Litigation Associates could make the entire process so smooth and effortless.

Lisa - Pittsburgh, PA

I have been caught in the trap of filing my taxes on time every year, but never having the money to pay the bill in full. Over the last 4 years, I have accumulated a tax debt of about $47,000, plus I haven’t filed my 2010 tax return yet. After retaining Tax Litigation Associates as my Power of Attorney in front of the IRS, they not only prepared my 2010 tax return in less than 3 days, but they did a financial analysis and developed a strategy on how to address the tax bill. They even guided me with 2011 estimated tax payments, so I wouldn’t be in the same boat this time next year. I can’t thank Mr. Galante enough for sharing his knowledge with me.

Richard – Tampa, FL

I owe the IRS about $65,000 from the last 5 years of tax returns. I am a small business owner and I don’t know my options and rights. It is nowhere near my area of expertise. Even more so, I simply don’t have the time to resolve my issues, as I am just too busy running my business. After researching the web, I decided to go with Tax Litigation Associates, as they were the most informative and honest company that I spoke with. After negotiating with the IRS on my behalf, they successfully established a reasonable agreement with the IRS. I never even had to speak to an IRS agent or wait on hold for hours. In other words, you can’t beat Tax Litigation Associates.

Samantha – Narragansett, RI

I had a tax problem and was unsure of who would be the best suitor for my case. I researched tax attorneys, CPAs, and then Enrolled Agents. This only made me more confused. After speaking to several firms and hearing their sales pitches, I had the privilege to speak to a Tax Litigation Associates representative who gave me an honest, fair assessment and explained how my case would be resolved. She took care of my IRS problems from start to finish. The consultation was free too.

Steven – Santa Monica, CA

I just wanted to send my thanks for a job well done. I owed the IRS $140,000 since 2004. Also, I did not file my tax returns since then. To make matters worse, I was laid off from my job and moved to a different state. I didn’t hear from the IRS until one day I went into work and was informed by my employer that the IRS was going to start garnishing my pay. After doing my research I decided to hire Tax Litigation Associates. They explained I would have to get all my tax returns filed. Tax Litigation Associates successfully got all my returns prepared for my signature in just 3 days after I sent them my tax questionnaire. With the financial information I provided, they were able to negotiate a monthly installment payment plan of just $250 per month. They also got the IRS to release the garnishment the next day. Your staff was courteous and did a super job. Thank you.

Joe - Oklahoma City, OK

Before we start, let me say I am very well-educated and run a very successful business. I know I paid my payroll taxes and I know I didn’t owe the IRS any more money. I also knew the IRS agent was out to get me. In other words, I was being abused by the IRS. I was pulling my hair out. Finally, I had enough and called Tax Litigation Associates. The representative explained what was really going on. So, I ended up hiring them. Within 48 hours, we had a conference call with the agent assigned to the case.

After 20 minutes on the phone with Jeff Galante and the agent, I realized the agent wasn’t out to get me after all. He even said he was being tough with me because he thought I was dodging him. With Jeff as the referee, we both discovered it was just a miscommunication. Jeff was able to interpret the IRS language to me and told me exactly what I needed to do. In the end, the IRS’s numbers were completely overstated. If only I had called Tax Litigation Associates from the get-go, I could have saved myself from plenty of high blood pressure.

Franklin - New York, NY

I just wanted to give Tax Litigation Associates a giant “Thanks.” You guys rock! I never thought you could get my tax returns done so quickly. I started on Monday and had all my returns done by Wednesday. I can’t believe 6 years’ worth of returns were completed in only 3 days. That’s rather impressive.

Terry - Spokane, WA

I just wanted to take the time to thank Tax Litigation Associates again. You guys were great from my first call to the resolution of my tax problems. I got the payment plan notice from the IRS today and it was exactly what we talked about. Everything went exactly as you said it would and now I can relax.

Tim - Baltimore, MD

I just called my payroll and they said that they received the fax notice of release of my garnishment 10 minutes ago. My family couldn’t handle another lost paycheck. Most important, I want to thank you guys for being honest with me about the situation. I know I owed money, but I never realized the payment plan would be based on my income. Thankfully, the plan is reasonable. I promise I will stop listening to so-called ‘tax experts’ who don’t know what they are talking about.

Kenneth - Athens, GA

My tax return notices came in the mail today, just like you told me they would. The IRS finally finished processing the returns and I have the final debt. I want to thank everyone who helped me with this at Tax Litigation Associates. I had the records to do the returns myself, but I didn’t know where to even start. After my first conversation with your tax guys, I knew I would be okay. I didn’t know what I was doing, and I completely over complicated the process in my head before we started. Thank you for helping me get my payment plan together. Now I am confident that the final process will go as smoothly as the tax returns did. Thank you guys again.

Kevin – Los Angeles, CA

I just got my audit report in the mail today. As you advised, I will sign it and send the check. Thanks to all your audit staff for your help with this. From the very beginning, I knew you guys were on my side. To anyone who reads this, hire these guys. They know what they are doing. I am a master cabinet maker and not an accountant, so the tax stuff and accounting were a foreign language to me. You guys speak in terms that even I could understand. Once you told me what the IRS was really looking for and what I needed, the process went as smooth as silk.

Eugene – Tempe, AZ

I got a letter from the IRS Notice of Intent to Levy and this is were I stood. The IRS had filed returns for me because I didn’t file them myself. They call these I called many companies that I found online and picked one I thought I would use. I borrowed money from my dad and called them to start. I was amazed that in a matter of 2 weeks, they were closed. I researched the web again and found Tax Litigation Associates. They took care of my problem right away and their fee was half of what the other guys were charging. Please be careful. Do your homework and check out the company you are looking to work with. Thankfully, you can trust Tax Litigation Associates.

Glenn – Des Moines, IA

Tax Litigation Associates will address the IRS tax problems for our clients by negotiating with the IRS for the best possible solution, which may be one of the following:

An Offer in Compromise, an affordable payment plan or to have our client declared as Currently Not Collectible with the IRS. Every one of our clients have different and complex tax problems. We treat each client as an individual, so there is no one solution for everybody. We will find an affordable and permanent answer to your IRS problem.

FTC Disclosure: In accordance with the FTC guidelines concerning use of endorsements and testimonials in advertising, please note the following:

The testimonials displayed are given verbatim except for correction of grammatical or typing errors. Some have been shortened where the testimonial was lengthy, or portions were repetitive. Unless we have noted otherwise, the names of the customers have been changed or abbreviated to protect their privacy.

These testimonials and case histories are received from our actual customers. They are individual experiences by persons who have used Galante Tax Litigation Associates’ services. The overall effectiveness of our service varies depending on each customer’s situation. Therefore, these testimonials and case histories reflect individual results and we do not claim that they are typical results that you should expect to achieve. By the same token – you may achieve better results.